Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Evolution ,,,,,...

Evolution ........ 2008 - 2009 - 2010

... the most difficult time in my life, until I embarked in a new journey in 2010.
A new color of my balloon!
Thank God, I can smile ... always!

Flowery Pain

(personal collection: Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, 2009)

Flowery pain

Flowery pain in my heart

Piercing into my blood artery

All birds are flying away

And you want me alone

Pricking pain and hurt on me

But you want my harvest

To keep the honey and sugar

Still puncturing me with your flowers

The flowers of pain

It is a meadow of pain you give me

Impaling my blood

Crowning my head

Bonding my ankles

Flowery pain in my heart

A bed of your suspicion


You are knocking me off

You are no different

than the devils in the twilight

Hovering my life

Embracing me with the pricky, flowery pain

I’ll do it my way!

My revelation!

30 April 2010

a Smile in the Morning

(persoonal collection: Senggigi Beach Mataram, October 2009)

a Smile in the Morning

It was the opening of a new day

The sun blushing from its sleep

Sending its warmth and glittering shine

Touching georgous maiden in her cheeks


Blowing the scented hairs softly

Touching the full lips

cuddling to its fullest love

In heart

After the olden days of pain

Hatred, jealousy, and hurt

There was a smile in the morning


radiated in the warm embrace of the sun

exquisite smile

In the morning of a new day

Passing through the weary faces

A smile in the morning

With hopes and dreams.

29 April 2010