Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

There Is Only One Sun in The World

(image: personal collection, Paris, France, May 2009)

There Is Only One Sun In The World

There is only one sun in the world
No other sun is there, and no other sun will be there

Only one sun that shines, and gives its shine to everything

Only that sunrays give light to every life in the world

But, alas… there is a lovely flower shining there
Its radiance makes the butterflies come closer

The sweet kisses of butterflies and ladybugs
The delicate touches of the winds
Gives the flower more vigor to shine

And send out its fascinating smells around
Its beauty is not taken by the storm
The flower is still shining in the dark
Penetrating the hearts of the meadow
Radiantly shining every life around

Oh, but there is only one sun in the world
The flower is shining too, radiantly
Is the flower the sun?
There is only one sun in the world
The flower is shining because of its beauty,
its white petals, its green leaves, and sweet smells
The flower is shining because of its warm life

with the butterflies, ladybugs, winds, and the sun
The flower is shining because of its virtue
The shining flower makes two suns in the world?
Or millions suns in the world?
But there is only one sun in the world
The flower smiles wavily and sends out its penetrating,
wholeheartedly, yet unintentionally shines.
Glittering away.

Jakarta, June 12, 2009.

1 komentar:

  1. It is, there is only a sun. Yet, there are so many beauty around us.
